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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2020

Perfect Alles Wird Gut Shirt

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I just stopped over and talked with a cop in my city watching over an area that is open outdoors. Had a crazy conversation... he basically thought he was more informed than me, a bioinformatics scientist who studies covid-19 daily... he said he thought Trump did a good job letting the states run things individually... lots of crazy nonsense about the flu being worse... my lord this misinformation campaign is seriously just as bad of a virus as the actual virus... in that it's enabling the virus to spread and kill way more than it would've without misinformation. Buy it:  Perfect Alles Wird Gut Shirt

Awesome Great Fubar Turn Up The Good Turn Down The Suck Shirt

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To be clear: They will be fine with the death toll no matter what the number is at the time. Ask them 20 days from now when we are hitting 200k and the number will still be acceptable. By the end of the year when we are at 300k, the number will also still be acceptable. They see their own citizens of different colors or beliefs as enemy combatants. They don’t mind dying themselves as long as their own deaths are necessary heroic sacrifices in their war against black, brown, or liberal lives. Buy it:  Awesome Great Fubar Turn Up The Good Turn Down The Suck Shirt

Pretty Elephants Merry First Christmas Mommy I’m The Best Present Ever Dad Says You’re Welcome Sophia 2020 Shirt

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Huh that's around 60 9/11's worth of death. I thought that 9/11 was the worst event in American history and we had to go to war and also restrict Americans freedom with the Patriot act to "protect" us. Oh well I guess we know the Republicans never cared about 9/11. This is especially true with society-wide issues like politics and policy, which they view as non-real and abstract (compared to real things like what is right in front of them). The same people who would give charity and help someone who is right in front of them will vehemently oppose a liberal policy which accomplishes the same thing, because their authority told them that liberals are evil and that's the fan fiction they like best. Buy it:  Pretty Elephants Merry First Christmas Mommy I’m The Best Present Ever Dad Says You’re Welcome Sophia 2020 Shirt

Cool Dutch Goodbyes The Initial Goodbye The Goodbye In The Talking And Waving Into The Dark Shirt

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I tried very hard to understand these Trump supporters. There are many hypotheses, but many of them are either untested, or their predictions turned out wrong, or their predictions apply to only a small subset of Republican voters (Trump supporters are about 80-90% of Republican voters.) The best theory I found come from this researcher (summary 1 and summary 2). He predicted many things correctly and at least two decades before Trump was elected, when Fox News was just starting. I trust his theory more than any other hypotheses. Buy it:  Cool Dutch Goodbyes The Initial Goodbye The Goodbye In The Talking And Waving Into The Dark Shirt

Top Darr Ko Khatam Nani Home Denge Shirt

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Are you wondering if he regrets all the death? On Monday Michelle Obama gave her speech and said that more than 150,000 Americans were dead. Trump seized on that line to mock Obama for giving a pre recorded speech, essentially calling her stupid for not realizing that he killed way more Americans than she said. This one example is easier to explain, because that's an inference, not an original statement. His supporters probably don't make that interpretation or listen to people who explain in this way. Buy it:  Top Darr Ko Khatam Nani Home Denge Shirt

Awesome Covid 19 Covered By God Operation Cure Is In God’s Hands Shirt

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After downplaying the virus for months, Trump finally kicked into gear and implemented some bare minimum guidelines (not even mandates). If we followed his suggestions, he declared that the death estimate was merely 60,000. He then gave himself an insane amount of breathing room 4x the estimate) by saying that if they keep it under 100,000 to 200,000, they'll have done "a great job." Almost immediately he reversed course and told Americans to revolt against masks and social distancing mandates. Rates started climbing again, and at this rate, it's easily going to be over 200,000 by election day. He couldn't even meet his own insanely generous goal. Buy it:  Awesome Covid 19 Covered By God Operation Cure Is In God’s Hands Shirt

Awesome Bulldog I Didn’t Fart My Butt Blew You A Kiss Shirt

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Yeah the thing about these is a PROPER government response means paying people to stay home and providing relief to businesses so they can weather the quarantine and reopen and bring those people back to work after quarantine. So instead of 60 days of quarantine and the government paying people to stay home and businesses to be closed, we're going to endure 9+ months of this slow drain that's going to end up with WAY more businesses gone forever than if we just took care of them. We shouldn't be pushing for the government to let businesses reopen, we should be pushing the government to pay them to stay closed. Buy it:  Awesome Bulldog I Didn’t Fart My Butt Blew You A Kiss Shirt

Funny And The Winner Is Donald Trump In 2020 President Election Vote Shirt

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The fact that something may be causing deaths of a paltry 200k people a year and we're shutting down the economy for it while not apparently giving a shit about the millions of people dying of other preventable causes is evidence that all of this is done purely for political reasons." ^ That's a summation of several different conversations I've had, but I think it accurately portrays their position. Some of them also throw in stuff like "and wearing masks doesn't stop the virus - it's just virtue signalling." But not all of them. Buy it:  Funny And The Winner Is Donald Trump In 2020 President Election Vote Shirt

Pretty Toba Aquarium Baby Seal Shirt

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"So like, heart disease kills 650k per year, and cancer (all types) kills 600k. So if the new threat isn't killing at least 1.2 million per year, then there is no reason to shut down the economy, put millions of people out of work, and decimate small businesses. We don't shut down the entire country and economically shoot ourselves in our collective face because of heart disease and cancer. We probably could. We could declare an emergency and shut down all the fast food chains. We could introduce an incredibly high cancer tax on businesses to fund cancer research with billions - it'd drive small businesses into bankruptcy but, 600 thousand people are dying so we have no choice. Yet we don't do any of these things. Buy it:  Pretty Toba Aquarium Baby Seal Shirt

Nice Title Town Los Angeles 2020 Shirt

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One of the comments in response to my statement was “Remember when it was supposed to be 2.2 million!”. I responded that we could all free up some of our schedules by canceling war memorials and days of remembrance since we should only care when the death toll hits the millions. In hindsight, I’m surprised that comment wasn’t the one I was banned for. Yep ... So much for the "secret Trump voter majority" who are afraid to honestly answer poll questions which reveal them to be terrible human beings. Buy it:  Nice Title Town Los Angeles 2020 Shirt

Original I Am The Least Racist Person In This Room 2nd Debate Shirt

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Trump was the first tumour of the cancer. If Biden doesn't make sweeping reforms to the powers of the President, then the next time a conservative nut wins the office we are truly and genuinely fucked. Imagine in a year or two when Trump has his own 24 hour news network that pushes QAnon propaganda, democrat/liberal/independent/whoever else hate all day...ugh we're only in the early stages of this downfall sadly. I've never researched other countries rent/job situations so hard in my life lol. Buy it:  Original I Am The Least Racist Person In This Room 2nd Debate Shirt

Pretty Debate 2020 Donald Trump Lincoln Biden Quote Shirt

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I've given up trying to teach them about critical thinking, statistics, and basic epidemiology. Some don't even want to converse in person at the beach, because QAnon told them I would drop a microchip into their drink smh.Yes we are. I am praying that Biden-Harris win, along with the Senate going blue. That still won't change that 40% of our population is now radicalized and primed to do whatever a cult leader tells them to do. Buy it:  Pretty Debate 2020 Donald Trump Lincoln Biden Quote Shirt

Pretty Abraham Lincoln 2020 Art Shirt

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One guy on Twitter estimated 12,500 deaths before fall. When we got there fairly early, I called him out on it and his response was that the numbers were inflated because reporting wasn’t accurate. They don’t care about numbers because they believe them to be fake. They're rationalizing, not rational. They hate Democrats and love Republicans and will believe anything they need to to reach that conclusion. It's obvious from surveys, where Republicans' opinions change wildly as soon as the administration changes while Democrats' stay relatively consistent. Buy it:  Pretty Abraham Lincoln 2020 Art Shirt

Awesome Trump Debate 2020 Quote Wind Kills All The Birds Shirt

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And that's it right there. He thinks he's smart and ahead of the curve, he's so fucking dumb though he can't see the forest, but for the trees in the way. It's so obvious and plain as day. And that's the joke, Dale is in a few isolated incidents ahead of the curve, but overall he's very stupid in areas where you think it would count most than being an expert on repeating conspiracy talking points verbatim. Don't you dare besmirch the name of Dale Gribble by comparing him to a Trump supporter. He would most definitely have already thought Trump was an alien since the 80s, voted for himself as Rusty Shackleford, and thrown pocket sand in an exit pollster's face to cover his tracks. Buy it:  Awesome Trump Debate 2020 Quote Wind Kills All The Birds Shirt

Cool Trump I Take Full Responsibility It’s Not My Fault Shirt

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I wanna say one more thing. Dale Gribble is a caricature of these guys, that's extremely accurate btw. Because the deal with Dale Gribble, he likes to think he's the wise old goat in the flock of sheep, right? He has clearly invested thousands of man hours being up to date on all the insane right wing conspiracy theories..and btw his character was probably inspired by Waco, Ruby Ridge, OKC bombing, and The Unabomber of that era immediately prior to KOTH season 1. But Dale ain't that smart. Because John Redcorn and Nancy, are so over the top obviously cheating on him, he's even spotted Redcorn climbing into his wife's bedroom window at night climbing his lawnmower parked underneath. Buy it:  Cool Trump I Take Full Responsibility It’s Not My Fault Shirt

Cool We’re About To Go Into A Dark Winter Shirt

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Actually I ran into one literally two days ago at a QT. He identified me as a political enemy by virtue of wearing a face mask indoors, and went on some Dale Gribble/Timothy McVeigh/Earl Turner rant about it's all a hoax, the librul media is brainwashing you, covid is fake and masks don't do anything while walking to his box truck (which as an 18 wheeler driver, I'm of the opinion he drove a bit recklessly leaving the QT, I suppose he was upset, I was afraid to get near his vehicle at the intersection). Buy it:  Cool We’re About To Go Into A Dark Winter Shirt

Good What Are You Hiding – Presidential Debate 2020 Joe Biden Shirt

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My husband has been great about reminding his Trump-cult mother about this. She calls him, all riled up about how hydroxochloroquine is really the answer (probably a way to stay distracted from everything else Trump is doing). He keeps repeating, "there's already 170 THOUSAND dead from this, and it keeps climbing, because of Trump. That's 20 THOUSAND a month! There were just a few people dead from Ebola because Obama had a plan to stop it. If this drug worked, we'd be using it! It's not just the US, it's worldwide." Buy it:  Good What Are You Hiding – Presidential Debate 2020 Joe Biden Shirt

Perfect Who Built The Cages Joe Presidential Debate 2020 Vintage Shirt

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Its funny you think pro-life equates to pro life. They dont care about keeping the kid alive after its born ie abolish "welfare" they only care about forcing women to do what they think is biblically correct despite the bible having many pro abortion examples while not having a single reference of why its not ok. Also, if the figure was 10 million, then most Republicans would still say it was acceptable. And if the figure was 10 thousand and a Democrat was president, 1% of Republicans would say it was acceptable. Buy it:  Perfect Who Built The Cages Joe Presidential Debate 2020 Vintage Shirt

Awesome You Can’t Mute The Truth Presidential Debate Vote Election Shirt

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Why is it that when the average American buys something that is slightly underwhelming or a little off color or they are not 100% satisfied with it they raise holy hell with the retailer and demand to speak to the manager until they are refunded or made whole again. But when the President botches the response to a deadly virus and the economy has to be shut down with hundreds of thousands of people dying they go ok no problem acceptable I’ll vote for him again???? WTF? Buy it:  Awesome You Can’t Mute The Truth Presidential Debate Vote Election Shirt

Pretty No You Cannot Pet My Dog Shirt

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And you're probably right, but fox would now be going hard out with russian propaganda and her ratings would be sub 30%, and since nobody would have experienced what 4 years of trump/mcconnell was like, the gop would win by a landslide in 2020 on the back of covid19I should have added apathy to that list - the people who didn't really like clinton, but assumed she would win, and therefore didn't vote, as well as those who did support her but couldn't be bothered voting because she was sure to win. Buy it:  Pretty No You Cannot Pet My Dog Shirt

Awesome If You Love Fruit Wine As Much As I Do Shirt

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What you said about holding women responsible for men not controlling themselves speaks to what so many schools are doing to young girls now. I'm talking about minimum skirt lengths, no spaghetti straps, no bra straps showing, etc, or you get sent home because it's distracting to the boys. They're trying to indoctrinate young women into believing that they are responsible for the behavior of men at a younger and younger age. I guess it's so if you "grab 'em by the pussy" they don't feel like they can say anything. It's reprehensible, really. Buy it:  Awesome If You Love Fruit Wine As Much As I Do Shirt

Pretty I’m Just Tucking It In My Shirt

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I get they want to limit abortions. To accomplish that one needs to address the root cause. The main reason for abortion is unwanted pregnancies. They demonstrably have no problems with government infringing on body autonomy, why not require vasectomies for just pubescent males? Vasectomies an less invasive and easier to reverse than tubal ligations. There is also a great messaging to promote religion in requiring their religious leader, with guidelines, being required. There is also a market that could be created for the secular marketing insurance for the 18 years to support any offspring and a reversal given with that proof of insurance. Not to mention all the urologists and staff needed to facilitate the reversals.\ Buy it:  Pretty I’m Just Tucking It In My Shirt

Cool You’re All Talk No Action Trump Shirt

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It’s to reinforce hegemony: if women can’t control their reproduction, they can’t plan their lives or careers, and men can remain dominant while women remain dependent. this also burdens men, so the additional bonus is that all of labor becomes unable to control their lives, weakening their position with respect to the capitalists/employers.Honestly to me it's all that sure, but generally it's control so that women can't "get away with" sex without consequences. This allows them to keep women pushed down so that white men can maintain their spot atop the social hierarchy. Buy it:  Cool You’re All Talk No Action Trump Shirt

Original You Don’t Know The Law Debate Trump America Shirt

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“You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” Buy it:  Original You Don’t Know The Law Debate Trump America Shirt

Nice New York Jets Logo Shirt

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I lived through that time, I was living in Chicago during the riots at the ‘68 democratic convention. I was raised in a card carrying, dues paying republican household. That is the antithesis of the current Republican Party. Values such as separation of church and state, “all men are created equal” carried over to support for equal rights, civil rights, support for roe v Wade. Things that are the anathema of today’s Republican Party. Buy it:  Nice New York Jets Logo Shirt

Perfect Hurt My Daughter Or My Son Not Even God Can Save You From My Wrath Shirt

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People want to believe in plans, because it is much more comforting to believe in the notion in that there are people in "control", that understand the world so well that they can lay out decades-long plans to influence it. But the reality is that there really aren't people like that. No one can see the future. No one can create gigantic plans that they know will influence the future in a way that will be a particular outcome. It's just people relying on their inside group that believes the same things they do and have similar means as to what they have. It is quite genuinely not more complicated than that. The world is chaos and the only way we'll ever stand a chance of dealing with the chaos that is our world - our entire universe - is to get to a point where the shit balls rolling down the hill don't have any more shit or mud to grow. Buy it:  Perfect Hurt My Daughter Or My Son Not Even God Can Save You From My Wrath Shirt

Awesome You Gotta Get It Up If You Wanna Get It Off Pete Dump Truck Shirt

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It may not be possible to ever truly stop the shitball from rolling down the hill, but we can chip away at the shit ball itself with tolerance, education and cross-community bonding and we can remove some of the mud and some of the shit that's further down the hill so the ball can't get more momentum. One day we might stop it, but the shit ball didn't start rolling because of anyone's plan, it's because some asshole took a shit off the top of the hill. Buy it:  Awesome You Gotta Get It Up If You Wanna Get It Off Pete Dump Truck Shirt

Original For Those Who Leave Never To Return But Are Never The Same Lest We Forget Shirt

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OsOnce they had the religion vote on lock, they started to push their tax agenda of removing taxes for the wealthy and American inequality skyrocketed during the Reagan Administration and continuing to this day. Let me start by promising you - this wasn't "planned". It's political decisions made quickly year over year that snowballed into this. It's better to think of it like a condensed ball of shit that starts rolling down a hill covered with mud and manure. As the shit ball rolls, sometimes it rolls faster and sometimes slower, but it is collecting shit and mud the whole way giving it more and more momentum. Buy it:  Original For Those Who Leave Never To Return But Are Never The Same Lest We Forget Shirt

Cool Je Ne Boirai Plus Jamais Oh Regarde Du Mojito Shirt

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So once the labor pool expanded thanks to the Civil Rights Movement, combined with American manufacturing's inability to compete internationally, you all of a sudden had a lot of whites that were a lot poorer and going through economically difficult times. Republicans took advantage of that anger and blamed integration, then started using wedge issues in the Southern Strategy to court Southern Dems into the Republican Party with abortion, forced busing, etc. Once they had those people on lock, they started to make their party more and more about religion - the religion of course being heavily steeped in the systemic racism designed to keep blacks out of white communities by not allowing them into white churches, either through explicit policy or racially-motivated  Buy it:  Cool Je Ne Boirai Plus Jamais Oh Regarde Du Mojito Shirt

Awesome Mario 92 Racing Kart Super Mario Bros Shirt

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The reality of course is that manufacturing started declining in the United States because the wealthy were outsourcing manufacturing, unions and big business had collaborated to stop universal healthcare so basic medical care in the US started becoming a luxury as union jobs collapsed. Said union jobs collapsed because the rest of the world rebuilt itself after it was destroyed by either World War II, internal civil wars, colonial movements for independence or some combination thereof. Once those economies and manufacturing bases were rebuilt, the US couldn't compete in the international market because white Americans were being paid ludicrous sums for manufacturing jobs due to there being no international competition and them edging out 30% of the population through systemic racism. Buy it:  Awesome Mario 92 Racing Kart Super Mario Bros Shirt

Funny Thank Fuck It’s Year Over Also Merry Christmas Shirt

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Being pro-unborn entails supporting public assistance to expecting mothers for food, housing, and medical care, aka socialism for fetuses. pro-life people do not support this, so we can exclude being “pro-unborn” from the set of their possible intentions. We are in agreement. Unfortunately, in my experience with many conservative "pro-life" friends, all they do is rage about abortion, content to not lift finger nor voice for the essential things you listed. That is to what I was referring. Buy it:  Funny Thank Fuck It’s Year Over Also Merry Christmas Shirt

Original Sweet Fashion Ancestors Life Wear Collection Shirt

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To elaborate, abortion involves pregnant women and fetuses. This unrelenting opposition to abortion is essentially elevating fetus to someone totally innocent and pregnant women totally evil. This is similar to many racial biases, which elevate one race over other races. In reality, in general, mothers love their kids more than anyone else. The thinking that they are good people voting for someone to decide against mothers is highly self-righteous. Buy it:  Original Sweet Fashion Ancestors Life Wear Collection Shirt

Nice After God Made Me He Said Ta Da Rooster Shirt

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When civil rights made those stances less popular (less publicly popular) Christians were told that the only way to save the unborn was to vote R. It continues to work. I know people who serve the underserved, do mission work, etc., but will only ever vote Republican bcause Abortion. I think people who only vote Republican because of abortion are severely biased and self-righteous. It doesn't mean that they can't be compassionate or charitable, but these two emotions make them highly susceptible to manipulation by leaders like Trump. Buy it:  Nice After God Made Me He Said Ta Da Rooster Shirt

Original Aim Shoot Swear Repeat Billiards Christmas Gift Shirt

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Social conservatives are ENTIRELY about controlling other people, but want no one to control themselves, so those people stay in their "place". If they can't control other people, they want to punish them as severely as possible as an example to others. These are not good people, brainwashed though they may be. Aka: I want to tell you how and where you can live and work and whom you may love and marry and how and where and whom you must worship and what and with whom you may or may not do with your own body...and IF YOU DON'T LET ME, I'm going to buy guns and threaten you for OPPRESSING ME. Buy it:  Original Aim Shoot Swear Repeat Billiards Christmas Gift Shirt

Nice Bear Thank You Mommy And Daddy For Giving Me Life Merry 1st Christmas Sophia 2020 Shirt

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US government might bring sanctions against any company that is helping Venezuela which in turn can blacklist that company across the world (efficiently killing themselves). So really there may be companies willing to help but have to wait for the US government to give them the okay. It appears that the U.N. can help with situations such as this. Also, there is an Italian oil company in partnership with Venezuela's oil company, but the U.S. may have sanctioned the Italian oil company. I wish an investigative journalist would look into this and make known who is responsible; who can help; and what does it take to get started. Buy it:  Nice Bear Thank You Mommy And Daddy For Giving Me Life Merry 1st Christmas Sophia 2020 Shirt

Perfect Child Starving Tory Scum Shirt

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There are people who can take care of these things, but often it boils down to money. Insurance companies pay a standard rate of half the cost of the ship and contents. Sometimes that isn't enough to get these guys to risk their lives, and sometimes that is far more than than the insurance companies want to pay. I would guess this is the first one, its not worth the gamble. These guys have have high expertise in ship recovery, and there are few of them. Buy it:  Perfect Child Starving Tory Scum Shirt

Perfect Black Lives Matter That Is An Eternal Truth All Reasonable People Should Support Dallin H Oaks Shirt

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It’s a lot closer than this picture suggest at the time of commenting it’s at about a 25 degree tilt with a comply full hold of oil and only a few anchors keeping it secured. And pictures from inside suggest oil is already leaking inside of the ship. Not good, especially if the leaks in the oil tank itself. Why the hell do people allow these greedy cock suckers to spill oil into our beautiful oceans, stand up for mother nature and put an end to this bs. Id burn the ship with its crew members on board if they cant handle moving it from one point to another without dropping their poison into our water. Buy it:  Perfect Black Lives Matter That Is An Eternal Truth All Reasonable People Should Support Dallin H Oaks Shirt

Top Dance Shine Sparkle Merry Christmas Shirt

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Trouble is, any country that tries to offload the oil become liable for clearing it up if it goes wrong. Its all risk with zero benefit (apart from not destroying the planet)! So its only worth the risk if you are Trinidad or Tobago as Venezuela can't even sell it. Another sign of societal collapse. It is more important that billionaires get tax breaks so they can insulate themselves from the pain of the society they created through greed and despair instead of allocating funds to preserve infrastructure and energy. International conflict over commodities and finance has always been more important than people’s lives, and we reap what we sow. Buy it:  Top Dance Shine Sparkle Merry Christmas Shirt

Awesome Eat The Rich Shirt

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It seems like they're purposely spilling oil into the ocean now. Every other day theres a 10s of millions of gallons spilling somewhere around the world. Like wtf? I'm really getting pissed off about this but I can't do shit about it. It's really infuriating. If the Earth had a head we'd just be bashing its head in with baseball bat right now. When the oil starts reaching the beaches of the conservative gulf coast states they can make their getaway in their giant trucks but they better watch out for those cancer-causing windmills Buy it:  Awesome Eat The Rich Shirt

Pretty Forced To Stay Gnome For The Holidays Toilet Paper Christmas Shirt

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So, this has been going on for a pretty damn long time. Why hasn’t another ship been brought along side of it and had as much oil pumped over to it as possible? I know, I know these ships do go that fast. Well, they damn sure don’t go that fucking slow either. You can’t tell me that there isn’t a ship that couldn’t get there in a week. All of the excuses that I’ve heard are complete bs. Something can be done and it isn’t happening. Buy it:  Pretty Forced To Stay Gnome For The Holidays Toilet Paper Christmas Shirt

Original Fortnite World Cup Youth Shirt

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Capacity of the ship is rated at 1.4 million barrels which equates to roughly 55 million gallons. Not the 80 million the article is claiming. A quick search on your own will show that. The issue also is between the oil union the the president of Venezuela. The oil union has asked for government assistance and the president says it's fine nothing to worry about. The oil union is worried about it and even invited the president there to see for himself and yet still nothing. The oil union and the government have issues with each other, but that should not stop help when needed like this. People need to learn others have a different opinion than some and need to learn middle ground again and I think stopping an issue like this should be middle ground for everyone atleast. Buy it:  Original Fortnite World Cup Youth Shirt

Top I Don’t Need Therapy I Just Need To Go To Poland Shirt

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The Caribbean is so beautiful and clear it is as if we are given a glimpse of heaven on ??. We must do all that is within our power to prevent this. These people who created this pending disaster would not run toxic lethal black goo into their own homes. It cannot be that they do this to our collective home. They should have to bear the monetary cost of what it costs us to stop it. That gulf has a rough history of man destroying it. It used to be called the Gulf of whales before the British, I believe, killed all of the whales many decades ago. Now it is somewhat already polluted and this is happening. Man, the destroyer. Buy it:  Top I Don’t Need Therapy I Just Need To Go To Poland Shirt

Funny Good Girls Go To Heaven Bad Girls Go To Lux With Lucifer Morningstar Shirt

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"The Nabarima is sinking, the situation on board is critical, the pump room is inoperative, the generators are damaged, the automatic valves do not work, the working conditions are sub-hunan, the physical integrity and the lives of the workers are at risk. [As well as] an ecological catastrophe without precedent in our history," Quote from Eudis Girot, Executive Director of Venezuelan Oil Workers Union. Buy it:  Funny Good Girls Go To Heaven Bad Girls Go To Lux With Lucifer Morningstar Shirt

Perfect I Just Need To Go To West Virginia It Brings Power And Love Back To My Life Shirt

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The oil was already basically worthless, Venezuela's heavy crude requires processing just to be liquid enough to process and barely burns, the only thing that ever made it economically viable to sell it was that you could use it to stretch your supply of better crude by including this garbage, and with the hit you take in refinery output that was marginal at best for some producers. Prices tanked (eventually to $4 a barrel) as soon as the barrel price on good quality oil went below about $75/barrel. They are currently around $40. Buy it:  Perfect I Just Need To Go To West Virginia It Brings Power And Love Back To My Life Shirt

Awesome I Will Put You In A Trunk And Help People Look For You Don’t Mess With Me Shirt

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You think the newspapers are gonna send someone out to the ship with a jug to see how much oil is in there? Considering the ship can hold about 55 million gallons, and the last logs had it close to full, it's safe to assume someone did their math wrong when they converted barrels into gallons and got 80 mil. I'm right there with you. Its not so much key pieces of information, it's the "irrelevant" bits that are altered slightly for seemingly no reason. But, it does weaken the integrity of the article. Makes me wonder what else in the article is just slightly off and why. Buy it:  Awesome I Will Put You In A Trunk And Help People Look For You Don’t Mess With Me Shirt

Pretty Maison Swooth CTR Skeleton Funny Shirt

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The U.S. embassy in Trinidad and Tobago said Friday that its call to action regarding the Nabarima "As a general matter, the United States' Venezuela sanctions program is not designed to target activities addressing safety, environmental, or humanitarian concerns," the embassy said. What you say and what is on paper is normally 2 different things. Yes a diplomat would say what looks right, it doesn't mean yoh won't be prosecuted after the fact. A diplomats word has no legal standing does it? Buy it:  Pretty Maison Swooth CTR Skeleton Funny Shirt

Good Not Gonna Lie A Homie Lonely Be Cool If Someone Wanted To Come Over And Play Video Games Or Something Shirt

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Another article highlighted disputes between countries, proxy wars and such are dictating a lot of lack of response. Trinidad and Tobago caught between beef with US and Venezuela. I’m not so sure about it though, sounded like speculation to me more than anything. Fixed Link Well, they can’t. My country basically went bankrupt due to a high dependence on refining Venezuelan oil. We can’t legally do anything at all with any of their oil without running the risk of the USA coming down hard on us. So even if we had one of these on our coast we’d have to get US approval before touching the thing with a 10 foot pole. Buy it:  Good Not Gonna Lie A Homie Lonely Be Cool If Someone Wanted To Come Over And Play Video Games Or Something Shirt

Perfect Ross Geller I’m Fine Shirt

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I think you probably just got trolled because this is the internet, and therefore 'fuck you.' But more to the point, unfortunately it kind of is the most important country in the world. It has by far biggest GDP, military, cultural influence. It's my country and I work in politics, so obviously I'm biased when I say Washington, D.C. is the capital of the world. But it actually kind of is, too. As far as undercutting the importance of other international issues, absolutely yes it does. Especially when you see small domestic quibbles headlining. To know that there is genocide and slavery in the world and see one politicians off-the-cuff remarks on the front page is an insult to the miserably knowledgable, and a call to the blissfully ignorant. I blame media for their attempts at self-interested mass manipulation and prioritization of clicks over coverage. Buy it:  Perfect Ross Geller I’m Fine Shirt

Funny Sandrine Quand Elle Chante Le Lendemain Il Pleut Shirt

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You can find a million and one reasons to hate any nation if you look for it and nothing but. For all that people like to claim America isn't the most important place in the world, you wouldn't know if you turned on any news network. Kind of undercuts the legitimate problems of other nations, i.e. this article, but hey, I've been called a racist for saying that before so fuck me, right? I mean, I follow US news because it directly affects my economy. It's also the wealthiest and one of the largest English speaking countries, so since that's the only language I speak, I see more news about US shenanigans than Italy for example, which is also full of shenanigans. Buy it:  Funny Sandrine Quand Elle Chante Le Lendemain Il Pleut Shirt